- ABV Measurement
- Analytical Transmitter
- Automated Sampler with Fraction Collector
- Automated Sampling Systems
- Bioburden Monitoring (Real Time)
- Handheld Biomass Measurement
- Biomass Monitor System
- Bioprocess Containers & Assemblies
- Bioreactor Control System
- Bioreactor Controller (Dual)
- Blast & Plate Freezing Shells
- Brewing Equipment
- J-Box BTLE Bluetooth
- Cell Capacitance Measurement
- Resistivity / Conductivity Sensor
- Single-Use Depth Filtration System
- Dissolved CO2 Sensor
- Dissolved Oxygen Optical Sensor (Brewing)
- Dissolved Ozone Sensor
- Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter
- Industrial Bimetal Thermometer
- Inline Conductivity Probe
- Inline pH Sensor (Food-Safe)
- Mass Spectrometer Gas Analyzer
- Microfluidizer
- Multipurpose Filtration System (Single-Use)
- Non-Contact Radar Technology for Level Measurement
- Non-Contact Radar Level Transmitter
- Online Total Organic Carbon Analyzer / TOC Analyzer
- Optical DO Sensor
- Optical Product Monitor for Turbidity & Color (Food & Beverage)
- Optical Reflectance Biomass Sensors
- pH and ORP Sensor
- Portable pH Meter
- Raman Spectroscopy Instrumentation
- Retractable Housing
- Sanitary Pressure Gauge
- Automated Calibration and Sensor Cleaning System
- Sensor Management Software
- Silica Analyzer
- Single-Use Bioprocess Bags
- Single Use Chromatography Skid
- Single-Use DO Sensor
- Single-Use Inline Dilution System
- Single-Use Mixers
- Single-Use pH Sensor
- Single Use Tangential Flow Filtration System (TFF)
- Tunable Diode Laser Gas Analyzer
- Ultrasonic Point Level Switch
- Viable Biomass Sensor
- Viable Cell Density Hub / Transmitter
- Wireless Tank Monitoring System